Brandee’s Review of “A Beautiful Lie” by T.E. Sivec – Blog Tour Stop

“If you were mine, I would never be able to walk away from you.
If you were mine, I’d worship every inch of your body with my hands, lips, and tongue.
If you were mine, I wouldn’t be able to stand in the same room as you without running my hands over your skin and tasting your lips.
If you were mine…”
Released January 3, 2013

He saw her first, but his friend made the move.
She settled for the safer choice, but her heart knew the truth.
They love, they crave, they lie.
Garrett McCarthy, Annabelle Parker, and Milo Roberts were as close as friends could get. They shared in each other’s joy during graduations, promotions, and engagements. They consoled one another through heartache and loss.
When one of the friend’s life is tragically cut short, it’s up to the two left behind to pick up the pieces and find out the truth – no matter the cost. As they slowly start to uncover the nature of his deception, and the very powerful people behind it, they begin to question everyone and everything, even themselves.
Everyone has secrets – some do it for love while others do it for power. Those secrets can change perceptions, alter reality and sometimes destroy lives.
What do you do when you find out your whole life has been a lie?
Amazon Link – CLICK HERE & Barnes & Noble Link – CLICK HERE
As I am sure you have heard by now, Tara Sivec – Author of the AWESOME Chocolate Lovers Series (click here to go to my Tara Sivec Author Page) has released her first novel “A Beautiful Lie” under her pen name T.E. Sivec. Under T.E. Sivec, she delves into a more serious genre that is her absolute favorite to read – romantic suspense. She loves reading a book and feeling her heart speed up with anticipation and wanted to be able to give that feeling to her fans.
And that is exactly what she did!!!!! Tara delivered that feeling for me.
There was a time when I read a lot more romantic suspense novels. If I did not already know that this was Tara’s first novel in this genre, I would have been floored! She was right up there for me with all the other well-known authors that I have read in this genre – at points I certainly enjoyed this story more. This series is not to be compared to Tara’s Chocolate Lovers Series (which was a favorite for me), as it is a totally different genre. But Tara taking the leap to write “A Beautiful Lie” goes to show that she has the talent to venture into another genre and did it effortlessly.
It had a little slower of a start, but I am ok with that. I rather have the character development and flashback stories so that I can really feel connected to the characters and their story. I had a sense that things were going to kick up into high gear….but I had to patiently wait for it. So, for some that need to get sucked into a book in the first several pages……..I am telling you to WAIT FOR IT……
This book kept me wanting to read to find out all the answers and to figure out what the heck was going on. It was full of action, suspense, twists, turns and those OMG surprising moments when you start to get your answers……and the good news is YOU WILL get your answers in THIS BOOK, they just might not be what you expect them to be. Of course, let me not forget to tell you that T.E. can write a steamy romance scene….oh my……they will not disappoint 😉
Although some readers find it confusing to follow a book switching back and forth from different character’s point of views, it was not too hard to follow for me. I really do enjoy getting into the characters heads and to know how they are feeling (Isn’t that why we get all sucked into buying a sequel to a book because it is in the point of view of the male crush in the book?). I am one who likes to have the point of view switch back and forth, even though it was a little confusing. I loved to have the inside scoop what was going on in Parker and Garrett’s heads. Even though I kept trying to tell them to do something about it already! (I don’t want to give anything away here)
I really loved the characters Parker and Garrett. I love a book with a strong, smart, independent, kick-ass heroine……and Parker is her…….we don’t see nearly enough of them. Then there is Garrett, ok ladies you have to get ready for this one because he is going to be another one of your “book boyfriends”! He had so many qualities that WILL have you wanting more!
Will all of the pain, longing and regrets be worth it? Go pick up your copy of “A Beautiful Lie” and tell us. It is a read that is sure to keep you on your toes and paying attention to the details.
Would love to hear your thoughts!

T.E. lives in Ohio with her husband and two children, living the dream of being a full-time writer.