Blog Tour: Jamie McGuire: A Beautiful Oblivion ~ Review, Excerpt & GIVEAWAY for signed limited edition hardcovers!

Beautiful Oblivion (Maddox Brothers #1) by Jamie McGuire
Make sure to check out my REVIEW, take the EXCERPT of the first chapter and ENTER the GIVEAWAY all below! A Beautiful Oblivion is book #1 in a new spin-off series of Beautiful Disaster —– Maddox Brothers!

I have to start by telling you that I LOVED Beautiful Disaster. At the time I read it years ago, I would say that it was one of my favorites and I told everyone to read it! I have to while I know that others loved them, I have to admit that I was disappointed with the other books in this series – maybe I just held BD on such a high pedestal in my mind – who knows.
Anyway, I was a little scared going into this one, BUT since it was not Travis and Abby, I figured I would probably be safe since it was NOT going to be the same story again – or it was not going to ruin BD for me. If you were like me and LOVED BD, but were not necessarily a fan of the subsequent books, I would RECOMMEND giving this one a shot.
Fortunately, I was mostly satisfied that Jamie had gotten her BD groove back with this one. I say mostly, because “I” would have liked to have Trent and Cami’s story taking place “after” BD, because I think it would be a much better story standing on it’s own and not rehashing some of the same story parts of BD AGAIN! I am sure that there will be those that will really enjoy seeing some additional sides of BD, but this is the part of the story that I did not necessarily like.
NOW, that being said, I really did LOVE Trent and his story and I really liked Cami too! Like I said, while I did love seeing Travis in this story, I wish it was more of an after BD vs. at the same time as BD. Example to give you without giving away a spoiler of BD….. you know the big climax where you are not sure how things are going to turn out and who is going to survive the tragedy? Well, you already know how that was going to turn out if you already read BD so that part of this book was anti-climatic. HOWEVER, even though that scenario seemed to be a bit of a climax in this book, it was NOT THE ONLY one, so rest assured you will still be getting some twists, turns and BIG surprises with this one – you may have to even read to the last page to figure it all out!
I know that many of you are already are a MADDOX BROTHER FAN like me. I wonder who is gonna be your new favorite?!? If you have not read Beautiful Disaster yet, I highly encourage you to do so. Still one of my all-time favorites!